How to Excel with ADHD

Many people with ADHD resign themselves to feeling inadequate, assuming they will always have to work twice as hard as those with neurotypical brains. But reframing this story is a game-changer. Shifting your focus from your struggles to what makes your brain unique can reveal strengths you never realized. It can mean the difference between working with yourself instead of against yourself.

Step One: Understand Yourself

If you have always thought of your ADHD as a deficit, then why would you ever celebrate your strengths? But pause that narrative and take an objective look at yourself. Take a personality assessment like a Big Five questionnaire. Imagine you are reading about a friend or acquaintance. Instead of labeling yourself shy, consider how your reserved thoughtfulness helps you develop deep and meaningful connections. Instead of calling yourself careless with details, consider how your focus on big ideas has led to creative solutions. Appreciate the different dimensions of your personality. Think about what you naturally excelled at in school, the hobbies you love now or loved when you were younger, and the things that light you up. Switch your focus from your weaknesses to your strengths.

Step Two: Care for Yourself

Years of feeling inadequate can lead to a constant sense of urgency. If you feel like you are always behind, then slowing down seems impossible. But slowing down is, in fact, essential for the ADHD brain. It counteracts impulsivity, forces you to pause, and gives you time to process. Giving yourself permission to rest and allowing your brain to go offline will increase your ability to regain focus. Self-care doesn’t just mean doing nice things for yourself every once in a while but truly allowing yourself to do what you love and enter a state of flow. Scheduling this time into your day will also help prevent distraction and procrastination. If you know you have time set aside for your favorite hobby, you will be far less likely to be tempted by it during the workday. Incorporating true self-care into your life requires maintaining boundaries, prioritizing yourself, and giving yourself time and space to just be, all of which can be difficult for people with ADHD. But the payoff will be an increased ability to self-regulate, motivate, and focus.

Step Three: Use Your Strengths

Now that you understand what makes you unique and the importance of honoring and caring for yourself, consider ways to capitalize on your strengths on a daily basis. Are you an extrovert who spends most of the day in front of a computer? Maybe you can incorporate more meetings or collaboration into your role. Are you naturally creative but spend your day following established protocols? See if there might be opportunities to problem-solve or brainstorm. Ask yourself how you might bring more of your natural inclinations into your current life. And if something feels like a constant burden, consider how you might do less of it on a daily basis.

While it likely feels unnatural to focus on your strengths, it can be the key to living with more ease. Research has shown that individuals with ADHD are exceptionally good at divergent thinking, often leading to creative new ideas and innovations. Tap into that and the other traits that make you who you are. Give yourself permission to explore your strengths without shame. Changing your story in this way can be the key to excelling with ADHD.


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